iFarkle (Ad Supported) App Reviews

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Great app

Lots of fun!

Nice app for fun game

Could use an update tho

Can be fun but frustrating

The computer way too often goes on runs of getting 2000 or more points far more than you do. It often gets 3000. If you are lucky you may get 2000 once in a while. There is nothing random about this game. Do not feel comfortable if you get a 4000 point lead. It will be gone in a few turns. If you are behind by 2000, forget about catching up. The machine often rolls and gets scores on all 6 dice. You may get one in 20 times where it gets 8 of 20 times. I rarely play this anymore and tonight I was reminded why I dont. Only in extreme boredom do I okay it.


Fun for short or long time

Fun game

I enjoy this game a lot. Its challenging but only takes a few minutes to play on "fast".

Just plain fun

Nothing fancy here just mindless fun without any fluff.


I love farkle. Its a great and easy game. :)

Great for learning

If youre learning the game, this is great. It is also a good way to try out new strategies.

Really fun!

I love this game. Luckily, I already knew how to play it, and I love the fact that its voiceover accessible.

Easy and addictive

Really fun game and easy to learn. Great for when youre passing time

Cool game

Exciting little game to pass the time with


Fun and easy. I enjoy playing with my granddaughter!


Great game it is fun to play I think everyone should play it

No Random Roles

This is not a game of random chance. The iFarkle game app is very biased over player one! Will farkle repeatedly at under 400 point score while player computer or two will get many multi-thousand point scores. Hope you like being skunked because the app loves to do it to you! Not worth the pro version, stick with the free version and save your money.

Ok game

I like this game. But it gets boring because you are playing against a computer (not a human). The computer plays one way so you know what it is going to do. There is no competition. When you play a real person the game is more interesting and you will want to keep playing. They should give you a option to play real people over the internet

Fun app!

I love this game, and this app is fun and easy to see if you have low vision. Just remember you cant pass until you get the 500 points to get in the game. Slight learning curve if you have never played farkle, but then its great.

Great game.... Lots of fun!

Passes time away without any pain. Great fun!


Third version of the game Ive download, absolutely the best one!!

Easy and addicting!

You want to learn the game this is the one you want!

Nice game

If you want to learn to play Farkle for free, this is your chance! Pretty fair among dice games!

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